Hey folks! Wow how time flies. Here we are off on our summer sojourn. Where does the time go? We had such a great winter and spring at the Bike Shop. We met so many interesting people this year. We are so lucky to have our wonderful bike trail that brings people in from all over the world. Now we are off to explore some of the trails we have heard about from our customers!
We started the trip just trying to get through Atlanta, that's why we left on a Sunday. Our goal was to get just North of it. We found a Passport America park in Adairsville,GA that would be our destination. You know it just takes longer when you are pulling a camper and you have 2 dogs. Seems like you never pass up a Rest Area.
Luna and Jax are great little travelers and they seem to be enjoying traveling too.
We made it to our very small little campground and grabbed the very last space they had. We got there just in the nick of time, a storm was rolling in. Very dark clouds along with thunder and lightning. It passed pretty quickly. However a couple of hours later we got lots of rain with more thunder and lightning. Guess who ended up in our bed?? Guess the dogs don't like storms.
We got up early and got off headed to an unknown destination. We just knew we wanted to stop early enough to relax before our next milestone...Getting through St. Louis. We are on our way to Olathe, KS to visit my family for a couple of weeks before we head to Urbandale, IA to do RAGBRAI with our friends, Bill & Ruth. My very first bike tour. How great is that??
We ended up stopping at a place we had stopped before. At Whittington Woods Campground in IL. Near Rend Lake. This place has to be in the top 2 of all campgrounds we have ever stopped at. When you turn in you are greeted with a beautiful garden.
After you get regestered you get 6 recently laid free range eggs! We had not realized that they do that for everyone. Last time we were there we just thought we were special. Well now we know that the folks that own this place are very special and sure know how to welcome you. They also gave us some parsley, chives and a lovely just picked onion. Don't you know we will be stopping there every time we are in the area.
After getting hooked up we walked around the grounds to enjoy all the beautiful flowers and the new dog park.
We were all excited when a new bright and shiny Airstream pulled in next to us. Of course Regis could hardly wait to talk to them to ask them about the camper, you know like how long have you had it, how much does it weigh and the most important of all...does it have a walk around bed?
The couple much to our surprise were young. Why do we think you have to be old to have an Airstream??? They also had a big friendly dog. We got to talking to them and asking where they were from, they had New York plates. They were from New York City. That was also surprising. I don't think of City folks as campers either. These young folks were just shaking up all my old idealism. Well then to top it off during our conversation we found out the gal was an Actress! Well for heavens sake that is about the last thing I would expect, to be camped next to an Actress from New York City....Regis asked her if she was ever in anything we may have heard of and her reply is well I am on Law and Order right now. I think we both felt kind of stupid at that point. Even though we don't watch TV we are familiar with that show. Anyway her name is Kelli Giddish. She was so sweet and friendly. She was on her way to Missouri to watch her father (who is the same age as me) compete in a Kayak race on the Missouri River. Aren't we off to a great start on this trip!!
We made it safely through the dreaded St. Louis and are now camped in my brothers driveway. We made it to our favorite little coffee shop yesterday Kansas Coffee Connection where we met up with my Dad and one of my oldest dearest friends (Nancy and her husband James) It's so fun to be my brothers neighbor! We get to have driveway happy hours every night and catch up on all sorts of things.
Today we get to ride the Indian Creek Trail. We better get some miles under our belt for RAGBRAI or we will be needing the SAG wagon to cart us around.
Now I will save the best news for last. We woke up to 52 degree weather! Now it just doesn't get any better than that. It is usually so freaking hot when I am in KS. 78 for the predicted High. OMG