There were hills, up and down, some steep, some long, but a refreshing difference from flat FL. The sun was hot but thankfully the humidity was down a bit so the ride was enjoyable through Greene Co. to 4 of the 5 covered bridges. Built from 1883 to 1887 using Howe or Smith trusses, and are what distinguishes one covered bridge from another. Just a fun day on our trikes in a new area. We did see a road sign that reminded us our good friends George and Sue Straley.
Looks like we'll be spending a few more days here on order to get some work done on our van. Upon checking the hitch before leaving PA. I noticed the whole thing was loose and one 3/4 inch nut was missing. Also noticed a crack in the box frame where the hitch was bolted on one side. I removed the hitch and saw that the frame seems to be expanding from the weight of the hitch and trailer. So Monday I'm taking it to be jacked back into place and welded, and also to have a noise in the front end looked at. No problems hanging out around Yellow Springs in my book, if you gotta be stuck someplace.