Come and test ride a Made in the USA Catrike on our beautiful 46 mile long rail trail.

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Heritage Days

Wow, December already! That means the Holidays are upon us and all the events that go with them. This Friday night kicks off Floral City's Heritage Days with luminaire lining Orange Ave, and tours of many historic homes, live bands, food and fun. We will be open late that night serving libations and snacks so stop by and say hello.

Wednesday, November 24, 2010


At this time we at Hampton's Edge Bike Shop would like to thank all our customers, many who have become friends, for your patronage over the years. It's been our pleasure to serve and know you and hope to continue in the future.

Happy Thanksgiving,
Happy Trails.
now go eat some turkey!
Regis and Cindy

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Thanksgiving Day Ride Gobble, Gobble!

We will be doing a Gobbler Road loop ride Thanksgiving Day starting at the bike shop at 9:00 am, going south on the trail to Floral Park Rd. making a left then up the hill, then down to Istachatta Rd, to 48 then rt. for @ 800 ft, to left on Trails End, to left on Withlapopka, follow to Gobbler Rd. make a rt. and follow to the Trail again where you go south or north to where ever you want to end up. Happy Thanksgiving.

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Finally a moonlight ride

Finally the moon is going to cooperate for a ride this Saturday starting at 6:30 PM at the bike shop in Floral City and going to Inverness where we will dine at Frankie's Grill behind the K Mart/Sears off 41. Lights and flashers on the bikes and helmets on the heads, yeah even trikes. Gotta play by the rules.LLLLLLLets get ready to ride! Should be a nice night 1 night before full moon, in the high 50 s so dress appropriately.