Come and test ride a Made in the USA Catrike on our beautiful 46 mile long rail trail.

Monday, September 10, 2012

      Another beautiful cool day in Ohio and another  great ride this time on the Great Miami River  Trail  from Taylorsville Metro Park  to  Troy and back to Tipp City where we had lunch at Sam &  Ethel's. 
      Found out we now own a dog again, a dog we haven't even met yet, a black  lab that our friend Deb thought was Tanus  and  opened her car  where it jumped in and she took it to work with her. Well  it is a female and well behaved, trained,  and healthy but not chipped.  After a few days someone put up a "lost black lab" sign but when  Deb took her to the owners the lady said they were moving out of the country and won't be able to take her with them so would Deb like to keep her, name being "Chalice".  Deb has 2 dogs and 2 cats already so looks like we own Chalice.  Wanted to think of another name for her as I'm not keen in naming a dog after a gold cup that holds the body of Christ at a Catholic mass so as not to add any more confusion to this poor dogs life we'll just drop the Ch and call her Alice.  Hope she doesn't chase any white rabbits.  So when we return home we'll have another mascot for the shop and a good dog. We both agree we're ready and always said a dog will avail itself to us when the time is right.   I guess that time has come.
      Got to mention that I am reading a book that will go down as one of my favorites of all books,
that being "South of Superior" by Ellen Airgood.  Probably a lot of guys won't like it but it's a story of life's struggles, and rewards of a simpler life for one Madeline Stone.  I thought of naming Alice Madeline but after 6 years as Chalice, I think Alice would be more in line for the dog's benefit.
Check out this book on line.  I think you'll be as captivated as I was with the cast of characters in this story of the UP.  Helps we were in Grand Marais where Ellen lives and modeled her fictional town after, and signed our book.   Prairie Evers is another book she'd written as a children's book but a good story for adults as well. 
      Tomorrow, no we won't ride to Morrow, but to Springfield and the Frank Lloyde Wright house. Cindy read the book "Loving Frank" and it has peaked her interest.  So awaaaaay we go.

1 comment:

  1. Congratulations on your new dog-to-be!!! Ruth says she can't wait to meet Alice. We hope she is as good a traveler as you two are.

    Bill and Ruth
